radio75 Derby Radio   Connecting our community...

Bridging the Gap

The Barriers EP-01

micBarker Kiyingi - The barriers African previous generationtoday5 February 2021 67 1

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    The Barriers EP-01 Barker Kiyingi - The barriers African previous generation

The barrier the previous African generations has faced in UK
  • fast_forward 00:00:00 – Starting here – Intro
  • fast_forward 00:00:10 – We ask the optinion to our listeners – The interview

Bridging the gap is a show that is aired live every Wednesday from 7:00 pm.

The show is hosted by Baker Kiyingi. A community activist who is the Youth President for the community. Baker has experience in working and mentoring youths to help them better their lives and bridge their relationships with their parents. Baker is our programmes’ and Marketing manager.

Bridging the gap programme helps to bridge gaps in our communities, through discussing controversial topics that people tend to shy away from. This helps create a therapeutic network. We host various professionals in different fields to help change stigmas around some subjects in our community like mental health, the relationship with the police, health and many more.

Bridging the Gap

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